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Attendance & Punctuality

When your child misses a day of school he/she misses learning opportunities.  Having your child at school on time is of primary importance too.

Unforseen things do come up, and your child may not be able to come to school. Here are a few important notes about missing school:

  • All students arriving late for school must first report to the office before going to class. A parent or guardian must sign them in or call the office to excuse their tardy.
  • In the event students are absent: a call, note, or email to the office is required within 3 days.
  • Please remember that your child needs to be symptom-free without medication for 24 hrs. before returning to school.
  • If you are planning on your student missing 3 or more consecutive days for any other reason than illness, you will need a pre-arranged absence form. They are available in the front office. A doctor’s note may be needed for chronic illness.
  • Upon the occurrence of your child’s 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th absence or tardy, a letter will be sent home explaining our attendance policy.  A conference with the principal, teacher, and/or nurse may be necessary for continued absences.

A quick note about picking up a student from school: 

  • We will ask for your ID if we do not recognize you.
  • You must be listed as an emergency contact on Infinite Campus, unless notified ahead of time by a parent or guardian. 
  • You can change your contacts in Infinite Campus through your parent portal. 

We appreciate your cooperation as these rules are for the safety of your students.

To Report an Absence:

Phone: 775-267-3622

Pattie Dack
or Molly Ragan

Please call or email by 8:30 a.m. if your child is going to be absent.


Please include the following in the email:

  • Student Name
  • Grade & Teacher
  • Reason for Absence
  • Date of expected return